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Reminder: Teacher Training Scholarship from ABQ Dance Lab
ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Reminder: Teacher Training Scholarship from ABQ Dance Lab

Are you passionate about teaching ballet and interested in teaching it in a way that is developmentally appropriate? Interested in building new generations of strong emotionally healthy dancers? Are you someone who is forever curious about ways to improve at the craft of teaching ballet? If so, ABQ Dance Lab wants to further your goals. Apply to an ABT Teacher Training Curriculum intensive, if you are accepted ABQ Dance Lab could pay your tuition. At this time there is only enough funding to pay for one applicant, but it could be you!" And you may be the catalyst a student needs or the catalyst another teacher needs.

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Discussing Disability in Dance Book Project
ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Discussing Disability in Dance Book Project

One in four people in the US have a disability that impacts a major part of their life according to a 2018 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What if the dance world reflected that statistic? The Discussing Disability in Dance Book Project seeks to investigate and dismantle the language and stereotypes often used to describe professional dancers with disabilities.

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Resources and Advocacy updates
ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Resources and Advocacy updates

What category are dance teachers for the COVID vaccine?

ADC submitted this question to the New Mexico governor's office to ask which category dance teachers would fall under to receive the COVID Vaccine.

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Teacher Training Scholarship Announcement from ABQ Dance Lab
ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Teacher Training Scholarship Announcement from ABQ Dance Lab

Are you passionate about teaching ballet and interested in teaching it in a way that is developmentally appropriate? Interested in building new generations of strong emotionally healthy dancers? Are you someone who is forever curious about ways to improve at the craft of teaching ballet? If so, ABQ Dance Lab wants to further your goals. Apply to an ABT Teacher Training Curriculum intensive, if you are accepted ABQ Dance Lab could pay your tuition. At this time there is only enough funding to pay for one applicant, but it could be you!" And you may be the catalyst a student needs or the catalyst another teacher needs.

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Global Water Dances 2021 Festival Planning
ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Global Water Dances 2021 Festival Planning

Global Water Dances invites you to their first Zoom meeting for planning of our Global Water Dances 2021 Festival. It will be an informational meeting and a time and space for us to meet through the distance, talk, and move!

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ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Fundraiser for Studio Sway/Barrett House Foundation

A few of Studio Sway's long-time renters have generously organized an online holiday fundraiser to aid in Studio Sway's pandemic survival. Elyse Fahey has decided to split the funds we raise this year with Barrett Foundation, an amazing organization here in Albuquerque that provides shelter and support for women and children experiencing homelessness.

The fundraiser is this Sunday, the 13th, at 10:30am, and will happen via Zoom. Please join us for a fun hour of dancing!

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ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

VSA The Kennedy Center - Request for Proposals

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Office of VSA and Accessibility is seeking an independent contractor to coordinate and facilitate the 2021 VSA and Accessibility Online Professional Development Series. This will be a series of professional development webinars, town halls, and meetings of varying formats that take place 2 to 4 times a month beginning in January 2021 (final schedule to be determined).

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ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

$100 stipend for 3-4 minute Boogie Get Down!

Romy Keegan (owner of Maple Street Dance Space) has 5 - 7 slots to fill for a 3 - 4 minute recording of dancers, dancing, for a New Years Eve virtual dance party project with the City, and they are offering a $100 stipend! You'd simply pick a fun, upbeat, dance party song, come boogie down at Maple Street, and be recorded for inclusion in a video of 25 or so other dancers. Recording happens at Maple Street, and with an approaching deadline we are looking at this coming Monday, 12/13, afternoon and/or evening. There will be a schedule made for 30 minute slots available for each dancer, exact times TBD.

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ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

Professional Dancer Opportunity

Bianca Lily Productions, LLC is looking to hire a professional dancer to perform in a simulcast of Professor Morpheus Celebrates the Solstice Dec. 21st at 7pm. The performer will be expected to provide 4-5 minutes of improvisation with live piano. Location: Downtown Albuquerque

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ABQ Dance Connect ABQ Dance Connect

On Display Global Practice Session TODAY

This is a reminder that tomorrow 12/3 is ON DISPLAY GLOBAL and the Albuquerque practice session to review the directions and learn the score is TODAY 12/2 at 4-5pm MST. If you're interested in participating, please fill out this short Google form.

ON DISPLAY GLOBAL takes place for 24 hours on Thursday, December 3rd, with people joining in on Zoom according to their time zone. The Albuquerque contingent is signed up to participate from 4-5 pm.

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