VSA The Kennedy Center - Request for Proposals

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Office of VSA and Accessibility is seeking an independent contractor to coordinate and facilitate the 2021 VSA and Accessibility Online Professional Development Series. This will be a series of professional development webinars, town halls, and meetings of varying formats that take place 2 to 4 times a month beginning in January 2021 (final schedule to be determined). The purpose of the program is to extend the scope and reach of two professional conferences, LEAD® and VSA Intersections, across an entire season. The season will include online (digital/virtual) professional development opportunities with content presented by industry leaders covering a range of topics for cultural arts administrators and educators working in disability culture, arts and education.

View the full request for proposals here: https://kec.memberclicks.net/contract-jobs-with-vsa-and-accessibility


Fundraiser for Studio Sway/Barrett House Foundation


$100 stipend for 3-4 minute Boogie Get Down!