Thoughts and Ideas 11/20
The Pivot. Best laid plans. Sometimes the need to pivot comes from a small immediate crisis, the internet is down. Other times you've spent hours to years of energy setting up a situation, a new career, a performance, and suddenly the world shifts and that plan is immediately unavailable, or long-term unavailable. Discuss methods of dealing with both the immediate emotion and physical reality of the need to pivot.
Creative Experiment
Create a thirty two count movement phrase with specific, obvious givens: front, music, space, surface. Ask a peer to watch and assist by changing the givens with notice, and without notice. Your job is to pivot with the changes. Discuss responses.
Escape and Inspiration
Dance: NMBC presents the Nutcracker Nov. 25th through Dec. 3rd
Art: The Pastel Society of NM's 2023 All Member Art Show occurs at Weems Gallery through Nov 25th. 5935 Wyoming Blvd.
Art: North Fourth Arts Center is showing "A Brush with Time: Art's Ever-Changing Story" and "Deck with Walls/Artwork Extravaganza" through Dec. 30, 4904 Fourth St. NW
Upcoming Dance at the NHCC: Bailla Bailla presents "Christmas in New Mexico" Dec. 2-3, Magnify Dance Ensemble presents "Christmas Joy" Dec. 9-10 Festival Ballet Albuquerque presents "Nutcracker in New Mexico" Dec. 17-15.
Upcoming Dance at the KIMO: Ballet Repertory presents "The Nutcracker" Dec 16-23
Online: Try some Gaga classes online
YOU: Don't forget to submit YOUR event. Email and visit the "submit an event' page. We don't want to miss anything!