Thoughts and Ideas 10/23
Process. What if we presented process along with performance product? What if we built process into the performance product? How would the two results differ? How do the purposes differ? Discuss.
Creative Experiment
Play with the words "along with" and "into" as prompts for choreographic play. Brainstorm a list of different ways to interpret this game.
Escape and Inspiration
Dance: Oct 27-Nov 4, check out our upcoming choreographers at 'Lumbre', a concert of emerging choreographers at UNM's Elizabeth Waters Center for Dance (Carlisle Gym) .
Art: Use the exhibit 'Cottonwood Tassels: Gustave Baumann's Prints, Proofs, and Process' at UNM's Art Museum, to stimulate ideas for the creative play above.
Dinner and a Movie: The Lobo Theatre has a variety of old movie entertainment this week, such as "free movie with food purchase" on the 25th, to dinner and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" Oct 28th.Sundays include Brunch in PJ's and a movie.
Social Dance: The Albuquerque Dance Club is hosting a Halloween costume dance party Oct 28th 7-10pm at the Albuquerque Square Dance Center.
Museum after dark: The New Mexico Natural History Museum is hosting an adult only night, Halloween Fright Night-Space Invaders , October 27th from 6-10pm. Each ticket purchases access to the Museum after dark, a recurring planetarium show, dancing, and one featured specialty cocktail.