Advocacy Updates

  • Peer Class is back! Peer class is an exchange among dance artists in the ABQ dance community. Peer class provides a chance for dance artists to try new techniques or explore choreography among peers while offering the opportunity to meet other dancers and network simultaneously. Facilitators vary and are now paid, but the classes remain free to take. If you are interested in teaching, please contact The link to register for class will appear on the peer class webpage when it is available the Monday before class.

    • For September we are excited to offer a peer led pop-up workshop led by Lara Segura.

      Sept. 24th Lara Segura, Site Specific Dance: Site-specific dance explores the physical and social characteristics that give meaning to a place. Join Lara Segura at North Domingo Baca Park on Sunday, September 24 from 11 am - 12:30 pm to explore a sensorial approach to creating dynamic and interactive site-specific choreography. Discover spatial relationships and changed perspectives that will ultimately create memorable experiences for audience and performer alike.


Thoughts and Ideas 9/11


Artist Spotlight: Lara Segura