Thoughts and Ideas

NM Health Updates

We are still in the Red Level of the Health Order, which took us out of the Close Contact Business category, therefore Dance studios may operate at a 25% occupancy following all COVID protocols for mask wearing, social distance and hygiene. Everyone can register for the COVID Vaccine. We have a question submitted to the governor's office to see what category dance teachers fall under. Stay tuned.

Sparked Thoughts

COVID screen-time burnout, disinterest in watching online performance, sound familiar and worrisome? One performance this weekend rekindled that desire. The performance included a Zoom chat back follow-on. The combination answered the need to engage with fellow artists; a personal invitation adds specific interest and enjoyment, and the ability to provide and listen to feedback with the artists afterward is a connection we are all missing these days. This choice is a nurturing stroke of genius for both artist and audience. Maybe this is a direction we should all be pursuing? Works in progress, exploration of ideas shared, then feedback and connection following. Prepare for the day your artistry is back in demand and back in person. Sending sparks!


Throw out your favorite exercise or choreography phrase! Review the inspiration and rework it. Throw it out again! Redesign it. Be fearless, throw it out numerous times. Consider each redesign from the new lines of thought you discover. Extract the best parts and continue the process until satisfied... and throw it out again! Process and and the willingness to shelve your ideas for recycling will expand your thinking and creativity, generating material and new ideas.

Quote: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King



ADC Virtual Artist Mixer Reminder


Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.