Thoughts and Ideas


Dancing while speaking? Pick two words. Strew them about in a dance sequence. Change their location. Change the dynamics; soft, loud, repeated, while breathing in or out, in stillness or movement, with a visual focus and without. Explore your voice.


Who are you without your container? Are you your container; your body, your job? Define your strengths and interests without the language of dance while reflecting on dance. It might just be revealing.

Conversation Starter

Effects of dance environment on mental health - Many of us have experienced either directly or indirectly negative effects on the mental health of a dancer in an unhealthy dance environment in training or in professional environments. Many articles can be found directed towards schools, parents, and dancers discussing the value of awareness and support for those suffering as well as advice on providing access and referrals to mental health providers. What is less addressed is how to change the training and professional environment to prevent from contributing or even causing mental health problems. Does change play a valid part for the dance schools or employers? Is the environment one cause of mental health problems? Could we make systemic changes in training methods and professional operations that could contribute to positive mental health? Talk to other dancers across genres. What do you learn? Can you come up with concrete actionable ideas to share?

In reference to the above, if you are aware of any mental health professionals experienced in helping dancers or that have been helpful to someone in your life, send referrals to ADC so that we can provide these important mental health resources to support our dance community.


Online or in person: at and in person by appointment, a group art exhibition "Feminisms" ignites a multiplicity of meanings; body politics, resilience and self determination, survival in suppression, and economic and social equality.

An outing: Albuquerque Photographers' Gallery in Old town has a free exhibition "Balloons Lift our Spirits".

A Mental Health Resource

Something to dance to and lift your spirits



Request for Mental Health Resources for Albuquerque Dancers


Windows of Light