Weekly Update and Thoughts

Artist Mixer Reminder 

Bottled up ideas and creative juices need to flow. ADC will be hosting a virtual Artist Mixer Friday Sept. 25th at 7 pm, for you and other artist collaborators to get together and start the magic that makes our souls come alive, artistic collaboration. A participation survey for those who wish to sign up can be found here.  

Health and Business Operation 

The Advocacy Page of our website contains several resources concerning policies and current orders. 

Thoughts and Ideas 

Conversation Starter

What are the conduits to your creative energy? Artists have periods where they feel the creative juices aren't flowing. Some of us despair, and worry we have lost it. Others use the down time to concentrate on academic or technical issues, some know they have the portals. Do you? The mind is working in the background unbeknownst to ourselves connecting experiences that will come forth in the future. But what is it that starts that release? If you could identify the portals that work for you could you bring forth your creativity on demand? Find a fellow artist and explore this subject. 

Call to Action

National Water Dance is launching "Dance the Vote", the week of September 21-26, 2020, involving learning a shared movement phrase, adding on and posting to Instagram or Facebook. 
Look for details to get involved at https://www.instagram.com/nationalwater_dance/ 


  • Try a free 5 day creativity challenge from visual artist Natalie Voelker
  • Consume some Art. Museums that are not hands-on are starting to open in NM with limited operations. The Albuquerque Museum opens Tuesday Sept. 15th with advance ticket purchase at holdmyticket.com
  • Art with a purpose: Exit 12 is doing important performance work helping veterans. This latest work premiered last week.  

And remember, ADC exists for you.

The Virtual Artist Mixer is Today at 7pm!


National Water Dance Project: "Dance the Vote"