Thoughts and Ideas

Technical Topics

Study the use of your head and shoulders in your dance form. You will benefit from understanding why and how to you use your upper body. Is your current use helping you or hindering your abilities. From a technical point of view find the benefit of the dictates in your form or the reason natural occurrences appear. Seek by experimentation or research with your colleagues and mentors; Possibilities include; alignment, weight distribution, assistance with change of weight, speed, elevation or balance, pure aesthetics. Note these things in your next workout. 

Conversation Starters

University Dance degrees, inclusiveness. Uncomfortable questions: Can inclusiveness go too far? What criterion should be required for acceptance into a dance program? Should a University focus on scholarly dance subjects instead of performance career or is it acceptable to operate more like a conservatory with a specific level of skill required for entrance in order to work to a professional level?


- Enjoy dance on city streets with Dance Theatre of Harlem's "Dancing Through Harlem" video.
- And closer to home, Ground Series, a Dance and Social Justice Collective, has a few things to offer in person.

When in doubt, smile at yourself and say "I've got this!"

Remember, ADC exists for you.


ABQ Can Dance - Episode 1


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