Thoughts and Ideas 5/1


Stereotyping vs individualizing. Pick one aspect of yourself that also defines a wide category of people. Gender, color, race, nationality, or another. Now ask, is everything else that you are, the same for every other person in that group? Generous, selfish, dedicated, extroverted, disorganized, evil, kind, interested in . . . Not likely. Yet human-kind is notorious for generalizing, stereotyping. Are we also guilty in our arts, in dance, of judging each artist by their genre, genre within a genre, as "types" without seeing the individuals? Discuss and challenge your biases. 


Change something this week. Cause the butterfly-effect through an act of kindness. Get a group of dancers from multi dance genres, dressed exactly the same on stage. Start moving exactly the same, then differentiate. Explore other ideas in dance that address stereotyping.

Escape and Inspiration


Audition for Technique and Movement Workshop


Peer Class on Hiatus