Thoughts and Ideas 1/23


Creative jump start. Recall times when you felt creatively empty, unable to come up with a lesson or choreography. How did you get past this point? Share your experience and explore common ground and solutions.

Creative Experiment

A few options when stuck- Just let it happen, Tools of the prompt, Delegate. 1. Without a plan, music player on shuffle, close your eyes and start to move. Dance for a while with no requirement of yourself. Start over at will, keep what pleases you and slowly form a short sequence toward your goal. 2. Using an idea or sensation from either visual-art making or the natural world, let your body follow a prompt. 3. Provide parameters and assign the parts of the task to one or more persons. Discuss your choice and experience with a friend.

Escape and Inspiration


From the Vault; Keshet Repertory Favorites on Feb. 10th and 11th


Balletesque with Elyse Fahey on 1/25/2023