Thoughts and Ideas 10/17


The power of observation. How many times have you driven or walked the same path and noticed for the first time something that was always there? What is selective attention? Why is it important, and when do you override it?


Find a place on a path you frequent and sit for a half hour just observing. Look for shapes, shadows, behaviors, buildings, people or natural phenomenon, anything that prompts an idea for movement. Let impulses and ideas ferment in your mind. Go to the studio and play with them.

Escape and Inspiration

  • Stage: "Caldwell's Bomb" a black comedy, is showing at the Black Cat Cultural Center Thurs. Oct 20th thru Oct. 23rd. 3011-113 Monte Vista NE.

  • Stage: "33 (A Kabarett)" a one-man show at Fusion, 700-708 First St. NW, Friday and Saturday. Additionally, Sunday afternoonenjoy a music Cabaret performance at the same location, 'From Berlin to Broadway'.

  • Stage: So much on stage this weekend! "Blood Knot" a parable, at the Vortex Theater, 2900 Carlisle Blvd. NE, starting Friday.

  • Outing: Walk in the rain! Or, when the rain stops, take a walk in the Bosque and explore spaces for open air dance., or head for the mountains to view the colors changing in the Aspen trees.


Luigi Jazz class with Lorien House on 10/26/22


Freeform class with Carla Genoni on 10/19/22