Thoughts and Ideas 8/15

Converstation Starter

Getting back in shape at the beginning of a season, getting your students back in mental and physical shape. Share your experiences, errors, and successes.

Creative Experiment

Plan ahead. Make a three week plan to establish recovery when you are out of shape or returning from injury. Keep it in a handy place for each time you need such a plan. You will likely need to revise your plan many times, do not get discouraged by this. At the beginning include longer warm ups, longer cool downs, and limit the extreme stretching. Alternate cross training days and schedule physical rest. Apply your plan to the mental tasks demanded as well. Gradually building to full stride. Be kind, be patient, and stay disciplined.

Escape and Inspiration


Artist Spotlight: Romy Keegan


Brazilian Samba Class with Pilar Leto on 8/17/22