Call for Peer Class Teachers

ABQ Dance Connect is seeking skilled teachers for our ongoing peer-led classes in 2023!

We are looking for teachers who wish to teach stand-alone classes and mini class series (2-3 classes, depending on the content). These classes are a fantastic opportunity to share your knowledge and passion at a high level with a group of enthusiastic peers. Teaching an ADC peer-led class or mini series is a chance to share a method or technique with other professional dancers and dance professionals. What you teach is completely up to you!

Please note that peer classes are currently held on a barefoot dance floor, so all classes must be barefoot floor friendly. Unfortunately we are unable to accept classes that require street shoes, flamenco shoes, tap shoes, character shoes, or any other hard-soled dance shoes.

Premise: Peer classes are taught and taken for free. The idea is that those who teach will also take others’ classes, creating an ongoing trade. While we acknowledge that teaching for free is no small thing, we also feel that unlimited access to free, high quality, weekly classes creates a valuable exchange for all involved. 

Class culture:  ABQ Dance Connect values openness, inclusivity, and non-judgement, and aims to garner a culture of positivity and kindness in all peer-led classes. Peer classes also aim to elevate the ongoing dance class offerings for professionals in the Albuquerque community. 

Details and logistics:

  • Peer class is held at Studio Sway on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm 

  • All students are required to register for classes via ABQ Dance Connect’s website:

  • Signs ups are released the Monday morning before each Wednesday class, and classes are limited to 10 students. (If you are teaching you do not need to sign up). 

  • An ADC steering wheel member will handle all studio logistics

  • Please note that Studio Sway does not have its own wifi access, and cell service from inside the studio is very spotty, so please pre-download all music and sound before your class!

How to get started:

If you would like to teach, please email Elyse at, with “Peer Class” in the subject line, and include:

  • The name/type of class you’d like to teach

  • A brief description of the class

  • A photo of yourself or something to do with your class, for promotional purposes 

  • The date/dates you are available to teach 

  • Anything else you’d like people to know about your class before they sign up

Looking forward to another great year of ADC peer classes at Studio Sway!

With gratitude,

The  ABQ Dance Connect Steering Wheel

P.S. Please take a moment to note that while peer classes are free, the studio in which they are hosted is always accepting donations to remain open, clean, maintained, and available to our community. Studio Sway donated $2,500 worth of studio time in 2022 alone for ADC peer classes. Please consider making a space donation to Studio Sway the next time you attend a peer class, so that we can all keep dancing!


Modern class with Jess Wilson on 12/21/22


Thoughts and Ideas 12/12