An Art Experience

You are invited to an Art Experience: A multimedia collage installation created and curated by Naomi Elizabeth Montoya & Su Hudson.


An Art Experience is supported by City of Albuquerque Urban Enhancement Trust Fund through their Resiliency Residency program, with support by Keshet Center for the Arts.


Enchanted with the diverse New Mexico landscapes and the unconventional angles that can only be captured by camera in dance for film, many of Naomi Montoya's and Su Hudson’s collaborations of the last two decades have explored and challenged society’s expectations of nature, architectural design, and living space. Together, we create art that exists as experimental dance films for screen, installations for gallery, and multi-media performance pieces for stage. We enjoy the all-immersive aspect of site-specific work and, when showcased, the experiential aspect of the audience often being part of the work. Our collaborations also explore female existence - from our lens as well as the viewer’s. Through the whimsy of our work, we find ourselves freed from the drudgery of the everyday experience.


The Virgin Whore


Professional Development Workshop for NM Teaching Artists!