Thoughts and Ideas
Over the influence of seemingly minor decisions or actions. Ripple effects. Butterfly effects. Try to find examples you can trace, both positive or negative. Look close, look far. Play with "what-if's" in history. Speculate without spinning judgement, just observe.
Creative Experiment
1. Find a way to let loose a bevy of positive "flutterings" or "ripples". Compliment three strangers, three people you know, and three people you haven't seen in a long time. Compliment yourself three times. Reflect through the week on internal effects, external effects, and the actions you took as time moved forward.
2. Make a movement phrase in which you deliberate thoughtfully over one part, taking into consideration all the things pertinent to your plan and goal, then throw in another movement with no thought, impulsively. Continue developing the phrase over time. Reflect.
Escape and Inspiration
Plan ahead, Flamenco Festival is coming July 13-17 featuring performance and workshops with extraordinary artists from around the US this year.
Take in a sculptural art exhibition, "Dust Specks on the Sea: Contemporary Sculpture from the French Caribbean and Haiti" aims to overturn colonial bias, using immediately engaging imagery with dark humor and emotional impact. At 516 ARTS. Free at 505-242-1445,,
Enjoy the City firework displays for Independence Day this weekend. Details here
Crosstrain by swimming laps at public pools opening up in July
Start a summer read to make you laugh and make you think, try "Green Grass, Running Water" by Thomas Green,