Thoughts and Ideas

Conversation Starter

Where do dance instructors go to take class? If you teach, are you comfortable taking class with your students? If you don't teach, what were/are your attitudes about having your instructor taking class with you? What would you as teachers and independent solo artists want in a class? Start talking about in-person Peer led classes. That day will come.


Returning to the studio after Zoom and your living room, how to take/structure class and pace yourself to avoid injury from that "I'm Back!" exuberance?


Keep your creative juices going into the next day by building a bridge. Instead of trying to remember "what did I do yesterday", end your session with a reserve or desire, with an energy, a next step. Write down your next step or direction. Look at the note before you go to bed if you are the type who's mind works while sleeping or wait 24 hours. See that next step with fresh energy and new ideas may come bounding out of your head.

Escape and Inspiration

  • This week the "The Inclusive Performance Festival" includes Indigenous Music Workshop with Ras K’Dee (as invited by Dancing Earth) April 15th at 2:30, along with MANY more workshops to check out.

with gratitude.png

Reminder about listen


Waking Wonder: Feldenkrais Method Zoom Course