Thoughts and Ideas 2/21

Conversation Starter

Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow on Groundhog day early this month, predicting 6 more weeks of winter. He is right only 40% of the time! Beloved imperfection. Consider the unreliable characters and people we love in fiction and life. Contrast/compare the term unreliable and unpredictable. Try to articulate what you understand by these terms. Are you drawn to "imperfect" people or in the creative process? Why or why not?

Creative Experiment

Explore perfect and imperfect. Draw a perfect straight line, triangle, circle, freehand fifty times. Walk a straight line, triangle, circle with the perfect tempo, energy, focus, rhythm, form, meaning, . . . aha! Draw some insight. Continue to play. Include 'unpredictable'.

Escape and Inspiration


2022 ADC Winter Showcase Thank You


Tomorrow: 2022 ADC Winter Showcase