Thoughts and Ideas 2/14

Conversation Starter

Games. Recall the board games, card games, and backyard games of your past. Have you noticed, some games more than others bring out revealing personality traits. Discuss the differences in games and your experiences and observations. Which bring people together? Which reveal personality? Which divide?F

Creative Experiment

Pick a game from your discussions. Imagine the players. Imagine the gestures particular to each player, particular to the game play. Expand these movements. Play with them. Settle on a few and make a choreography. If you have a partner or group, make it a turn taking game with each of you taking on a role that entertains you. Work separately. Do not discuss the character you have chosen. Reveal as you dance. Include eye contact. After the first round continue playing using improv.

Escape and Inspiration

  • Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. The Botanic Gardens are having an event on Friday morning, the 18th, but google the title and find other ways to participate and identify birds.

  • Venture to UNM to see the solo exhibition featuring Anila Quayyum Agh, "Mysterious Inner Worlds", four sculptures activated by light. Agha combines forms from Islamic architecture with her own concepts about patterns of sacred and worldly spaces. combing concepts of Islamic culture and her own.

  • Check out the schedule at the NHCC for the upcoming weeks. "Frida" this weekend, "Carnival 2022: Queenie, Queen of Carnival" next weekend.

  • Look for simple ways to show yourself and a neighbor you care.

  • Do that thing you keep telling yourself you want to do.


Contemporary Jazz Peer Class with Elyse Fahey on 2/23


Coming Up: 2022 ADC Winter Showcase