Thoughts and Ideas


I'm thinking about compact choreographic phrases that resonate and stay in the body memory the way a literary quote or sound-bite resonates. Can you find some movement phrases already existing? Can you make one? Is it the feel of the movement in your body that becomes the memory or the associated thoughts and emotion? “When you get an idea into your head you find it in everything.” Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Conversation Starter

Stemming from observing behaviors in current pubic discourse, I am moved to ask, can we compare the unconscious dance politics or biases in our heads? Ask yourself, have you ever let a preconceived notion of another dance method or artist cause you to dismiss an opportunity to participate in an alternative training, or attend a performance? Or have you been to a performance you didn't like or understand, and didn't look further for understanding, instead allowing the one event to stigmatize the genre or artist? Can this be compared to the "preaching to the choir" sort of practices we see from media and political conversation, providing/seeking only information that agrees with our views? Is this a valid comparison? Explore the possibility. Make a point of listening to other views on dance, participating in, or viewing a dance artist or form of dance that you didn't realize you were avoiding. Engage in conversation about the experience.


Find your portal.

    - For intensive mental care, it might be that getting out of town is just the right move. The Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument, with everything that makes New Mexico enchanting rolled into one, is an option. The Rift Valley Trail is reportedly a favorite.
    - Closer to home, feed your soul with "MOVE", a Netflix, newly released 5 part dance biography show featuring Jon Boogz and Lil Buck, Ohad Naharin, Israel Galván, Kimiko Versatile, and Akram Khan.
    - Finally, you may find your smile after watching a short film that just finished making it's festival rounds, locally produced and filmed in Albuquerque, "Mrs. Murphy's Confession" A middle age dramady.

Call for Recommendations for Healthcare Practitioners


Bianca Lily Ballet Halloween Show