Thoughts and Ideas


Start without an intention. Use music without lyrics, without preselection. Push past the point of any blank frustration and see what develops.


Adapted from a stumble into a TedEx video: Identity, life purpose and traits that carry through. Can you identify yourself without the language of dance? What do you love to do? Who do you do it for? What do they want or need? How do they benefit? Did you learn anything about yourself? Can you find the thread that runs through all that you enjoy?

Conversation Starter

Teaching credentials. Many dance instructors have a strictly professional performance background. We see bio's listing instructors from high profile companies luring students to intensives. Examine your own biases. Do you put more trust in an instructor with a high profile performance bio to teach you or an instructor with a strong pedagogy background? Repeat the question replacing yourself with a child. Does your preference change? If so, why? What are traits you value in teaching? Where are the pedagogy programs and why are they easier to find in some genres than others?


Road trip: Leave your comfort zone. October is a great month for visiting a ghost town. Perhaps a haunting visit will open your creative portals.

Streaming: Netflix,"Dark" A mind bending German series dealing with time travel (in the first few seasons) in a "but wait...." questioning sort of way. Who is related to who?


Thoughts and Ideas


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